Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ED 220 - The Exceptional Learner

3 Credit(s)

This course is designed to survey the foundations of special education, including historical, philosophical perspectives, legal issues and current trends in instruction and programming. Students will explore the role of general education as it relates to the education of the student with exceptional needs. Emphasis will be placed on developing knowledge of various disabling conditions, available resources and educational alternatives. Students will learn about the ethical and sociopolitical influences on prevention, intervention and educational programs for students with special needs, from birth through post-secondary ages. Learning characteristics and the diverse needs of students who receive special education services will also be studied. From a pedagogically sound, as well as developmentally appropriate perspective, the similarities and differences within and between exceptionalities and typical development will be emphasized. A 20-hour, supervised field-based experience is a course requirement. Students will be required to wear photo identification as they participate in this field experience. Photo IDs must be obtained from the ASU Campus Card Office PRIOR to the beginning of the field experience component. Background check must be completed before classes begin. Lab assignments are off-campus; students are responsible for their own transportation.

Teacher Education Background Check Passed