Mar 14, 2025
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ED 455 - Student Teaching K-12 1 to 15 Credit(s)
Corresponds with the public school calendar for one full semester. Student teacher candidates must pass state required field content examination, (i.e., the Program for Licensing Assessments for Colorado Educators (PLACE) or Praxis II content exam) prior to the student teacher semester. This field experience provides student teachers comprehensive experience. Students must complete all components explained in the Student Teaching Handbook. An Educational Field Experience Team will help student teacher candidates acquire the necessary skills in the practice of building a community of learners while teaching and learning. The community of learners includes the student teacher candidate, the cooperating mentor teacher, the college field supervisor, the building principal, and the classroom students. The student teaching experience requires a minimum of 640 hours of contact time.
Prerequisite(s): Permission to Student Teach AND Teacher Education Background Check Passed