BIOL 215 - Microbiology for Health Sciences 4 Credit(s)
A lecture/laboratory course designed to fulfill requirements for pre-nursing and pre-pharmacy students as a practical introduction to microorganisms, especially bacteria and viruses, and their contribution to human health and disease. Laboratory exercises are designed to provide experience in handling microorganisms, bacterial identification, and other basic principles of microbiology. This course will not fulfill requirements for any of the biology degree tracks. Course includes 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory per week.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL-205 Minimum Grade: C- OR T
CHEM-105 Minimum Grade: C- OR T
CHEM-105L Minimum Grade: C- OR T
CHEM-111 Minimum Grade: T OR C-
CHEM-111L Minimum Grade: T OR C-
BIOL-209 Minimum Grade: C- OR T
BIOL-210 Minimum Grade: C- OR T