BIOL 467 - Wildlife Management 3 Credit(s)
Study of the ecological foundation, historical development, techniques, and current perspectives and challenges in wildlife management. Emphasis will be on the application of scientific management of game and non-game animals, their habitats, and managing human use of wildlife. Course includes three hours of lecture per week and is offered during fall term of even-numbered years. MATH 205 is recommended.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 321 Minimum Grade: C- OR T
BIOL 323 Minimum Grade: C- OR T
BIOL 325 Minimum Grade: C- OR T
BIOL 330 Minimum Grade: C- OR T
BIOL 332 Minimum Grade: C- OR T
BIOL 330 Minimum Grade: C- OR T
GSCI 212 Minimum Grade: C- OR T OR