Mar 09, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Academic Policies

Academic Advising

Students are expected to assume the responsibility for planning academic programs in accordance with university rules, policies, and requirements. DegreeWorks, Adams State’s degree auditing and planning platform, is available to assist students with academic planning and enables them to conduct their own degree audit. To assist students with this planning, an advisory system has been created. It is designed to provide a close relationship between students, advisors and faculty in an effort to help students make appropriate academic choices to successfully reach their postsecondary goals. Advisors will aid the student in planning coursework during registration and will be available for a conference each semester. Advisors must aid the student in planning course work during registration and must be available for a conference each semester. Details on advisors on how advisors are assigned, how to change or add a major, required approvals, and the responsibilities of both advisors and students are detailed in policy:

For graduate students, each new student is assigned an Advisor as soon as he/she is admitted to their program of study. Advisors are either professional advising staff or faculty members in the graduate program. Advisors must aid the student in planning course work during registration and must be available for consultation throughout the semester as described in policy:

Academic advisors and other university officials strive to prevent errors in advising and registering students. Students, however, are responsible for knowing the requirements of the desired degree programs. This information is available in the catalog. When registering, students are expected to follow the registration procedures as outlined and prescribed by the Office of Records and Registration. Students are responsible for enrollment in courses that are applicable to their degree requirements.

Academic Amnesty

Students must be advised that the academic amnesty provision pertains only to Adams State University and may not be honored by other institutions of higher learning. Students seeking academic amnesty should determine whether there are any negative implications on their federal financial aid eligibility, and/or academic and professional aspirations before seeking academic amnesty.

Undergraduate Students

After three consecutive years of non-attendance at ASU, an undergraduate student may request academic amnesty for a course or courses in one or more semesters. If a student requests amnesty for a course in a given semester, all courses within that semester with a grade of IF, F, TF or D must be included in the request. The request will be reviewed after the student has completed at least one semester since being readmitted to ASU. The student must complete nine credits and earn a GPA of 2.0 for the request to be approved.

When the student’s request is approved, grades of IF, F, TF and D for the courses from the prior attendance period will be excluded from the student’s grade point average. However, the courses will remain on the student’s official transcripts designated with a special code for academic amnesty. The courses/grades that are included in the amnesty process will appear on student transcripts and may be used by professional programs in their admissions decisions. Undergraduate Students choosing to apply for academic amnesty should contact the Office of Academic Affairs.

Graduate Students

Academic Amnesty is designed to provide graduate students previously enrolled in an Adams State University (ASU) graduate program, the opportunity to remove unacceptable grades from the computation of their grade point average (GPA) under certain conditions. Eligibility requirements and procedures for requesting graduate academic amnesty are available in policy:

Academic Standing

Academic progress of all degree-seeking students is monitored each semester. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requires all officially admitted degree-seeking students, enrolled in courses applicable to an eligible program of study at Adams State University, to maintain progress to degree completion. The SAP policy ensures all degree-seeking students are making progress to complete an eligible program of study through regular qualitative and quantitative monitoring of completion of degree requirements. The SAP policy includes both academic and financial aid repercussions for students who fail to meet requirements.
All aspects of Satisfactory Academic Progress are described in the SAP Policy:

Additionally, an overview of Satisfactory Academic Progress in regards to Financial Aid eligibility specifically is available:

ACT Credit in Advance for English

Undergraduate students with high scores on the English section of the ACT or SAT may receive three hours credit for ENG 101 if they meet or exceed the established threshold in the policy. Transfer students must provide evidence in the form of official test scores at the time of admission in order to receive this credit. Credit will be granted after the census date of the first semester of enrollment:

Advanced Placement

High school students who have performed satisfactorily in advanced college-level courses before college entrance and demonstrated a requisite achievement (minimum score of three) on tests of the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board may submit the results to Adams State University for consideration of college credit in alignment with ASU’s policy. The maximum credit accepted on the general exams is 18 semester hours in the areas of humanities, natural and social sciences. Credit will be granted after census date of the first semester of enrollment:

Alternate or Registration PIN

A 6-digit number assigned to every undergraduate degree-seeking student on a semester basis (excluding summer) to ensure the student has met with his or her advisor prior to enrolling in courses to ensure progress toward degree completion. This number shall be required at the time of initial registration each fall/spring.

Auditing Courses

Students in good academic standing may broaden and deepen their educational experience by auditing courses. Auditing permits a student to attend a course without being required to complete exams and assignments. It is the university’s intent, however, that auditing be a serious commitment on the part of the student and not disrupt the student’s progress toward a degree. Careful consultation with the student’s academic advisor is recommended. Music (activity) courses available for auditing purposes require the permission of the instructor. Contact the Department of Music for more information.

A student who wishes to audit a course must mark the NC (No Credit) column for the course on the appropriate registration form or NW when registering via the Web. The registration process must be completed before the end of the add/drop period. An audited course does not carry academic credit, nor does it satisfy any degree or program requirement. Regular tuition and fees will apply. Audited courses are not eligible for the COF tuition stipend or financial aid.

Graduate students may enroll in graduate level courses for no credit. Approval from the Graduate Program Designee, instructor, and Assistant Vice President for Graduate Studies (AVPGS) is required. Students are responsible for completion of all degree requirements as specified in this catalog and should acquaint themselves with all requirements before beginning a degree program:

Availability of Classes

Adams State University does not offer all of the classes listed within this catalog each semester or each year. Adams State University reserves the right to withdraw from its offerings classes with insufficient enrollment during any particular semester. Other courses may be added if there is sufficient demand.

In some programs, certain courses may be offered on an alternate-year basis or as determined by demand. Mandatory advising is in place to assist our students in planning and making satisfactory progress towards obtaining their degrees:

Baccalaureate Students

Entering first-year students seeking the B.A., B.F.A., or B.S. degree can choose to satisfy the degree requirements listed in the catalog in effect at the time of their first semester of enrollment at Adams State or any catalog after, provided they remain continuously enrolled. Students may select to fulfill the major requirements from one catalog and general education requirements from another catalog. Students who interrupt their studies for more than two semesters (i.e., fall or spring) must satisfy the degree requirements from the catalog in effect during the semester in which they return.

Associate Degree Students

Entering first-year students seeking an A.A. or A.S. degree can choose to satisfy the degree requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of their first semester of enrollment at Adams State or any catalog after, provided they remain continuously enrolled. Students may select to fulfill the major requirements from one catalog and general education requirements from another catalog. Students who interrupt their studies for more than two semesters (i.e., fall or spring) must satisfy the degree requirements from the catalog in effect during the semester in which they return:

Classification of Students

Students are classified according to the number of semester hours of credit they have earned. First-Year students are students who have earned fewer than 30 semester hours; sophomores are those who have earned at least 30 hours but fewer than 60; juniors are those who have earned at least 60 hours but fewer than 90; seniors are those who have earned 90 hours or more:

Continuous Enrollment

Entering first-year students seeking the A.A., A.S., B.A., B.F.A., or B.S. degree can choose to fulfill the graduation requirements for any year after (and including) the semester they first enrolled at Adams State University, provided they remain continuously enrolled. Students may elect to fulfill the major requirements from one catalog and the general education requirements from another catalog. Students who interrupt their studies for more than two semesters (e.g., fall or spring) will use the requirements for the semester they return as their first semester.

Course Load

Undergraduate Course Load

The typical course load for undergraduate students is 15 to 16 semester hours. Undergraduate students must maintain at least 12 semester hours to be eligible for full financial aid. Academic full-time status requires enrollment for 12 semester hours during any semester. Tuition surcharges will be assessed on course loads in excess of 16 credit hours. Students desiring to take more than 20 semester hours per semester must seek permission from their advisor. Additional ramifications for an atypical course load are described in the Undergraduate Course Load policy:

Graduate Course Load

Full-time graduate class load is six hours or more per semester. Maximum enrollment is 15 semester hours during fall and spring semesters. Course load for the summer session is 12 hours during the regular six-week summer session and six hours during the early summer session. Summer limits are exclusive of one-day workshops. Individual departments may have different requirements for summer students. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least three semester hours to be eligible for any financial aid. Course overloads require the approval of the student’s academic advisor or program designee and the vice president for Academic Affairs:

Course Numbers

Courses numbered 001 through 099 are considered basic skills courses and will not be counted toward the required hours for an Associate of Arts or Science or Bachelor of Arts, Fine Arts or Science degree. Students enrolled in basic skills courses will be assessed a surcharge. Courses numbered below 300 constitute the lower division. Courses numbered 300 through 499 constitute the upper division. Course numbering is based on a pattern that places all classes numbered 100-199 in the first year, 200-299 in the second year, 300-399 in the third year, and 400-499 in the fourth year.

Those courses numbered 500 to 799 are graduate courses. Students may take a class numbered more than one year above their class rank with special permission from the chair and the instructor of the class. Master’s level courses are numbered 500 to 699. Doctoral-level classes are designated with numbers 700 to 899.

Special course number suffixes:

  • X79: special topics courses offered periodically to meet student special interest in the field
  • X89: in-service courses designed for staff development and/or in-service credits taught off campus with subject matter determined by school district needs.
  • X92: workshops or short courses offered on an intermittent basis to meet the needs of special constituents
  • X99: independent study courses (taught on an independent basis through a mutual agreement between an instructor and a student) providing opportunity for individual research/study into problems of special interest in the field.

These courses may not be used to satisfy program requirements without prior approval:

Credit by Examination

Students may petition to receive academic credit for a course if, through prior learning and study, they have attained knowledge and skills that constitute the requirements of the course. Students may receive approval of their petitions if the criteria specified in the credit by examination policy been met.Grades for coursework completed by examination will be recorded by the instructor using either a P/F grade or A-F grade mode by submitting the Credit by Examination form to the Office of the Registrar:

  • 100-07-03 Credit by Examination Policy
    If credit by examination is requested for a course offered by the university, but not being offered during that particular term, the student may enroll for the course under independent study.

Credit for Military Experience

Students who have served in the military and wish to have their experience considered for university credit will have their military credits reviewed to determine whether any credit may be applied to their degree program. Appropriate paperwork, including Joint Service Transcripts or other official military transcripts shall be provided to the ASU Transfer Coordinator. The Transfer Coordinator will evaluate the military credit in consultation with the Veterans Coordinator and make the decision on how the credit will be awarded. The Credit for Military Experience describes in more detail how credits will be awarded:

Culminating Activity

Each department requires graduate students to pass a culminating activity (comprehensive exam, thesis, etc.).

Please contact your program’s chair, director, or your advisor for details.


Please see for important deadlines regarding applications for graduation, financial aid, comprehensive exams and others.

Degree Completion Time Limit

Undergraduate Students

Students are expected to complete degree requirements in a timely manner. Normally 15 to 16 credits per semester at the undergraduate level are necessary to accomplish these expectations.

Graduate Students

A student pursuing a master’s degree has six calendar years from the date of first registration in an Adams State University graduate program. A student pursuing a doctoral degree has eight calendar years from the date of first registration in the Adams State University Department Counselor Education. Extensions may be granted in accordance with policy:

Developmental Courses

Adams State University places students into the appropriate English and Mathematics classes based on a variety of placement methods described in the English Placement and Math Placement policies. Some students may be required to enroll in a developmental math class, or classes dependent on their placement scores. Students should work with their advisor to ensure that they are enrolling in the appropriate class or classes to prepare them for college level math in their major.

Developmental courses at Adams State are graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. They may not, however, be used to meet graduation requirements per CDHE and institutional policy. These courses are used to determine financial aid status and academic/athletic eligibility as earned hours for freshmen.

Colorado Department of Higher Education requires that all developmental coursework be taken within the first 30 credit hours of enrollment:

Evaluation of Degree Requirements

Students are responsible for the fulfillment of graduation requirements. Academic advising is available to students who are undecided about their academic major. Students will need to work closely with their academic advisor after a major/minor has been declared. Some students will need more than one advisor, particularly students seeking teacher licensure, or seeking to complete multiple majors/minors.

Students may apply for graduation online by logging in to their One Stop Student Services account. Students must notify by email their advisor(s) and the department chair(s) in which their major/minor is located that they have submitted an application for graduation. Those students who are pursuing the associate of arts or associate of science degree, or a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, should notify their advisor. Graduation applications must be submitted online unless mitigating circumstances prevent this.

Applications must be submitted by the end of the semester prior to the semester in which the student plans to graduate but no later than August 31 for fall and January 31 for spring (or the next business day if these dates fall on a holiday or weekend). Those students who are admitted to an AA/AS degree program and wish to apply for graduation must submit a copy of the graduation application to the Degree Audit Administrator located in the Records Office.

A late fee of $20 will be imposed on applications received after February/September for spring/fall graduation, respectively. Degree Audits will be completed in accordance with policy, and the student must complete all requirements before the degree will be conferred:

Final Examinations


Final exams must be taken during the time scheduled in the final exam schedule. Students requesting alternative exam schedules due to conflicts with evening classes should consult with their instructor(s). Students with genuine and demonstrable family crises or medical emergencies that require an alternative schedule should consult the relevant School Director. For more details regarding final exam scheduling and expectations for how exam time should be used see the relevant policy:


Final exams and/or papers must be completed according to the requirements provided by the instructor and in accordance with departmental policy. Students requesting an alternative exam schedule due to a crisis and/or conflict should consult with their instructor. Expectations for faculty availability can be found in the policy:

Grade Appeals

The grading of student learning is solely an instructor’s right and responsibility. Students are expected to read the course syllabus provided by their instructor at the start of each semester, complete each assignment, and communicate with their instructors frequently. If a student believes his/her final grade in a course does not fairly reflect his/her performance, the student has the right to appeal according to the procedures outlined in the grade appeal policy. Formal grade appeals must be filed in writing (email acceptable) within 30 days after the grade is posted:

Grade Point Average Computation

The Adams State University grading system is based on a standard four-point scale, and GPA is calculated by dividing total quality points by credit hours attempted:

Graduate Student Minimum GPA Requirement

Graduate students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher for all coursework taken in pursuit of a master’s degree, initial teaching license, or endorsement. Graduate students are subject to dismissal if their cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. Students earning a grade of D or F in any course will not be able to count the course toward degree completion and must retake the course. Students earning a grades of B- or C may be required to repeat the course depending on department requirements. Additional information regarding grades, programmatic requirements, and eligibility for grade forgiveness can be found in policy:

Progress Grade Reporting

Students should meet with their instructors throughout the semester to discuss their academic progress. Students will receive monthly progress grade reports which will be based on current status in the course. Students should be aware that progress grades may change based on their attendance, class participation, assignment completion, and overall performance on graded work. If a student has a question at any time regarding his/her standing in any course, the student should refer the question to the instructor directly.

Final grades will be available online as early as the Tuesday evening following the final week of courses.

Grading System and Quality or Honor Points

The grading system used at Adams State is alphabetical grades A-F. Plus/minus grades are issued at the discretion of the instructor and should be indicated in the syllabus. Grades are reported at the end of each term. Credits for courses graded ‘F’ are used to compute GPA but do not count toward graduation. P credits may or may not transfer to other colleges and universities:

Graduate Credit for Undergraduate Students

Senior students may take courses for graduate credit if their undergraduate cumulative grade point average is at least 2.75. Graduate credit earned during this period may not be applied to the undergraduate degree. Consent of the student’s advisor and department chair is required. The approval process should be initiated with the Office of Graduate Studies. Students are classified undergraduate and are assessed undergraduate tuition for all courses. However, graduate-level courses are not eligible for COF, the College Opportunity Fund stipend.

Undergraduate courses, including 300- to 400-level classes, will not be accepted by Adams State University graduate programs. (updated 01/23/2020)

Graduation with Honors

Baccalaureate students with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.5 to 3.74 graduate cum laude (with honors). Students with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.75 to 3.89 graduate magna cum laude (with high honors). Students with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.9 or higher graduate summa cum laude (with highest honors). Honors are determined based upon a baccalaureate student’s cumulative GPA at the end of the semester prior to the semester in which the student will graduate. However, these minimum requirements must be maintained through graduation in order to receive the honors notation on official transcripts:


The grade of incomplete (IN) is a temporary mark assigned for course work of acceptable quality that students, through no fault of their own, are unable to complete. It is not given for neglected or unsatisfactory work. The student must complete all remaining course requirements as specified by the instructor no later than one year following the end of the term in which the class was attempted. If a final grade has not been assigned after the deadline, the IN will be changed to an IF. A grade of IF is equivalent, in terms of GPA, to a grade of F. A copy of the Incomplete Agreement form should be filed by the instructor with the Office of Academic Affairs. More information on special circumstances for correspondence courses and the repercussions of incomplete grades can be found in the policy:

Independent Study Courses

Credit by independent study must be approved by the instructor and the department chair in writing, prior to enrollment. The subject area to be studied will be determined by agreement between the student and instructor with the approval of the vice president for Academic Affairs.

Forms may be obtained at the One Stop Student Services Center or Office of the Registrar.

International Baccalaureate Program

Adams State University recognizes the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and accords special consideration for students presenting IB credentials on an individual basis. ASU follows the state policy for awarding IB credit. Specific scores and credits allocations are outlined in the policy. Official transcripts should be sent from the International Baccalaureate Organization for evaluation:


For all courses graded pass/fail, the grade of P is equivalent to the letter grade C- or better. This statement applies to all courses built in the pass/fail grade mode:

Repeating Courses

Undergraduate students may repeat courses, however, only the most recent credit hours attempted are computed in the GPA. Previously attempted courses and grades remain on the academic record but are not computed in the GPA. After repeating a course, students should submit a GPA update form to have their GPA recalculated. Forms are available at the One Stop or online at and may be submitted to the One Stop Student Services Center.

The following courses may be repeated with each enrollment calculated in the GPA, up to the number of credits listed:

Students who receive approval to take courses from other institutions need to be aware the grade earned will not replace a grade earned at Adams State:

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Courses

For all courses graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory, the grade of S is equivalent to the letter grade C- or better. This statement applies to all courses built in the satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade mode:

Semester Honors

Students earning a minimum of 12 hours of graded credit in a single term with a term grade-point average of 3.5 or higher receive semester honors:

Semester Hours Credit

Course credit is based on units designated semester hours. In general, one credit hour represents one class period of 50 minutes per week per semester and, normally, about two hours per week of preparation outside of class by the student. Laboratory courses offer one semester hour of credit for each two or three hours of scheduled work in the laboratory during a week.

Semester System

The university operates on a semester system, with the calendar year divided into fall, spring, and summer sessions. The summer session (see below) is integrated with the two semesters of the academic year. This arrangement makes it possible to complete the baccalaureate degree requirements through almost continuous study or arrange the normal work of two semesters in any desirable sequence.

Student Conduct

Students are expected to conduct themselves both within and outside the university in a way that will reflect favorably on themselves and Adams State. A student may be dismissed for misconduct following the judicial process for violations of the Student Handbook. In the event of such dismissal, tuition and fees will not be refunded in whole or in part.

Student Evaluation - Graduate Students

The faculty reserves the right to request withdrawal from the program of any graduate students who, in the faculty’s professional judgment, fail to satisfy academic requirements of the program including scholarship, academic or professional ethics, skills or characteristics, professional suitability for the programs in which they are enrolled, or engagement in misconduct. These decisions are at the discretion of the faculty and the appropriate School Director and shall be made in accordance with the general procedures for academic retention and dismissal set forth in the Graduate Student Handbook for the program. When necessary, the academic retention and dismissal procedures within respective program handbooks will be utilized.

Summer Session

Adams State University maintains a summer session designed for undergraduate and graduate students interested in pursuing a college education and in qualifying for degrees and licenses, thus offering students a year-round uniform academic program. Through full-time, year-round attendance, students may reduce the time of their four-year program. Summer session course offerings and availability vary by program.

Token Number

Issued to newly admitted students and is required (along with student ID numbers) to obtain your user name and password to gain access to our online services.

If you have misplaced your token number, please contact the One Stop or Computing Services to have your token number reset.

Time Limitation on Credit

Courses more than ten years old with grades of C or better will be evaluated for acceptance into an undergraduate degree by the Transfer Coordinator, Distance Advisor or Correspondence Education Advisors, and/or the Office of Academic Affairs in consultation with the relevant program chair(s). If the course is to be applied towards the major it must be evaluated by the program chair for the program in which the credit would be issued. Time-sensitive courses (STEM) over 10 years old will not be accepted towards general education or major credit unless approved by the program chair for the relevant discipline. They may be applied towards elective credit:

Transcript of Credits

A transcript is a comprehensive record of a student’s permanent academic history, including transferred credits accepted by ASU (listed by college/university with the total credits transferred from each), and certified by the University Registrar. In addition to a student’s course of study, the academic transcript includes credit earned by examination, academic standing, grade point average and all honors, degrees and awards conferred by Adams State University. Official transcripts are printed on tamper-proof security paper or may be sent electronically via our secure website and include the Adams State University seal and the signature of the University Registrar. While every effort is made to ensure prompt delivery of requested transcripts, please allow 10 business days for processing requests. Graduating students will receive a complimentary official transcript after the University has verified degree completion (usually within 6 weeks after the Commencement Ceremony). Transcript requests that include recently earned degrees may be placed online (see link below) after students have had their degree(s) awarded. Transcripts will not be released for students who have an outstanding indebtedness to the University or for those students on whom the University has placed a transcript hold. Adams State University will not be held responsible for deadlines which are not our own:

Transferring Credit or Degrees

Graduate Transfer Credit

A maximum of six semester hours of transfer credit from other accredited institutions may be used to fulfill graduate-level degree, licensure, or endorsement requirements. Students must request permission to transfer course work using the Petition to Transfer Credit Form. Students must provide official transcripts and course syllabi and obtain the advisor’s signature. Students requesting transfer or substitution of prior coursework must declare so within their first semester of study. Students who take courses and ask for approval after the fact are in danger of losing those credits regardless of the source of their advisement:

Undergraduate Transfer Credit

Currently enrolled undergraduate students who plan to take courses at another college or university (during the summer break for example) and transfer the credits to Adams State must have the coursework approved by the program chair or School Director in the content area prior to enrolling as a transient student elsewhere. General education courses may be approved by the Records Office or its designee with the Transfer Credit Approval Form. Failure to receive this approval may result in the transfer courses not being accepted toward an Adams State University degree or teacher licensure program. Guaranteed transfer courses in Colorado can be viewed online at Colorado’s statewide guaranteed transfer (gt) program.

Transferring Credits

  • Adams State will accept coursework in which grades of A, B, C, P (Pass), CR (Credit) and S were earned for transfer credit. Courses in which a grade of D was earned are not accepted for transfer unless the course is an integral part of an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree.
  • Students with prior learning through AP, IB, CLEP, DSST, military credits, etc will have credit assigned in accordance with the relevant policy.
  • Vocational courses and courses which are listed as “no equivalent” at Adams State can be considered for credit after the student completes 24 hours of course work at Adams State with a 2.0 or higher GPA. The credit must be approved by the program chair of the student’s major.
  • There is no limit to the number of transfer hours accepted. However, students are required to complete a minimum number of 30 institutional hours to obtain a Bachelor of Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Science degree.
  • Transfer students are urged to visit the campus and meet with the Transfer Coordinator to ensure a smooth transition of transfer credits.
  • Transfer credit more than 10 years old must be evaluated by the Transfer Coordinator (if the course falls under the general education requirements ‘or equivalent’) or the program chair of the area offering the course for which the credit would be issued.
  • Writing assessment is an institutional graduation requirement that by completing ENG 102  or equivalent and a writing intensive course designated by the major.

Coursework Transfers

Individuals with course work seeking admission to degree programs at Adams State University (ASU) will be evaluated using ASU’s general admission policies and the transfer policies outlined below. Courses will be evaluated in three categories:

  • Category 1: General Education Courses, their equivalents (both in-state and out-of-state), and courses specified in the guaranteed transfer process with grades of ‘C’ or better will be evaluated by the Transfer Coordinator, Distance Advisor, CEP Advisor or designee for acceptance.
  • Category 2: Upper Division courses (300-499) or courses specifically related to a student’s intended major with grades of ‘C-’ or better will be evaluated for acceptance by the program chair for which the credit would be issued.
  • Category 3: Credits that fall outside Categories 1 and 2 (i.e. elective credits) will be evaluated for acceptance by the Transfer Coordinator, Distance Advisor, CEP Advisor or designee and/or the program chair for which the credit would be issued.

Undergraduate Degree Transfers

Individuals with an in-state or out-of-state BA/BS degree (including more than 10 years old) will have their general education courses accepted in total as meeting ASU’s general education requirements. The First Year Seminar requirement will be waived. Graduation requirements and all requirements in the major must be completed at ASU in accordance with the current policies:

Individuals with an in-state A.A./A.S. degree (including degrees more than 10 years old) will have their general education courses accepted in total as meeting Adams State’s general education requirements. Individuals with an out-of-state A.A./A.S. degree (including degrees more than 10 years old) will have their general education courses accepted if they have successfully completed at least one course in each of the following areas: communication (English), history, physical science, college-level math, arts and humanities, and social sciences. Courses from these areas that have not been completed may be completed at Adams State. Upon completion, the entire degree will be accepted:

Individuals with an Associate of Applied Science degree or an Associate in General Education degree will have their general education courses accepted in total as meeting Adams State’s general education requirements if they have successfully completed at least one course in each of the following areas: communication (English), history, natural and physical sciences, math, social sciences, arts and humanities. Courses from these areas that have not been completed may be completed at Adams State. Upon completion the entire degree will be accepted as meeting ASU’s general education requirements. The First Year Seminar requirement will be waived:

In order to receive transfer credit from non-accredited schools, the student must complete 24 credit hours with a minimum 2.0 GPA. After successful completion of these hours previous coursework will be reviewed for ASU credit:

Undergraduate Degree/Program Requirements

  • Undergraduate students who have not completed the GT Pathways core curriculum will be required to meet all Adams State general education requirements in effect at the time of admission.
  • The Bachelor of Arts, Fine Arts or Science degree is conferred upon completion of a minimum of 120 academic (non-PE) semester hours composed of general education, major requirements, and elective credits. Additionally a scholastic average of at least 2.0 must be earned in all work attempted at Adams State. A grade of D+ or lower in any course required for a major or minor will not count toward degree completion. (A 2.75 minimum GPA is required for admission to the Teacher Education Preparation Program.)
  • Forty-two non-PE semester hours of the course work required for a degree at Adams State must be upper-division (300- to 499-level) academic hours.
  • Transfer students must meet the Adams State requirements in effect during the first semester of their enrollment at Adams State.
  • All students must fulfill and pass the writing proficiency requirements. All students pursuing Bachelor of Arts, Fine Arts or Science degrees must complete ENG 102 - Communication Arts II GT-C02  or equivalent, and a designated writing intensive course for their major. Students seeking an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree meet this requirement by passing ENG 102  with a grade of C- or better.
  • Requirements for majors are listed in this catalog.
  • Courses to be substituted in the Educator Preparation Program require teacher education department chair approval.
  • A minor will not be granted until a student completes the requirements for a bachelor’s degree.
  • PE credits of all levels (100 to 499) may not be applied toward the total number of required credits for an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree. In relation to this, 300- to 499-level PE courses cannot be counted toward the 42 upper-level credits required for the conferring of a B.A./B.S. degree.
  • Courses numbered 500 or above, or a course numbered 400 or above taken for graduate credit, will not be counted toward the completion of an undergraduate degree except according to policy for specific programs.
  • A grade of C- (1.67 on the GPA scale) is considered passing; however, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 to be considered for graduation. Students must also maintain a GPA of 2.0 across their general education requirements. Students are responsible for satisfying specific program requirements imposed by their departments such as the minimum 2.75 GPA requirement for admission into the Teacher Education Preparation Program.
  • 100-09-13 GPA/Grade Requirements

Withdrawal from Enrollment at Adams State

Undergraduate Student Withdrawal

If an undergraduate student plans to withdraw from enrollment in all classes at Adams State, the student must initiate the complete withdrawal process according to the Complete Withdraw policy. Failure to follow explicitly the procedures on policy may result in unexpected financial repercussions.

Graduate Student Withdrawal

Prior to dropping or withdrawing from graduate coursework, individuals should consider the impact a course drop/withdrawal will have on grades, tuition & fees, and federal financial aid. Students considering dropping courses and/or withdrawing from a graduate program are encouraged to review the Office of Graduate Studies’ withdrawal information to make a well-informed decision. If a registered student elects to drop a course or withdrawal from a program, the student must follow the proper drop/withdrawal procedure as specified in policy: