MUS 422 - Secondary School Music Methods 3 Credit(s)
A comprehensive study of principles and procedures for teaching and administering music programs in secondary schools (grades 7-12). A 20-hour, supervised field-based experience is a course requirement. Students will be required to wear photo identification as they participate in this field experience. Photo IDs must be obtained from the ASU Campus Card Office Prior to the beginning of the field experience component. Background check must be completed before classes begin. Lab assignments are off-campus; students are responsible for their own transportation. Students must be enrolled in the Teacher Education Program.
Prerequisite(s): ED 200 Minimum Grade: C OR T
ED 220 Minimum Grade: C OR T
MUS 304 Minimum Grade: C OR T
MUS 360 Minimum Grade: C OR T
Admission to the Educator Preparation Program
Teacher Education Background Check Passed